Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Take Heed That Ye Be Not Deceived


Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;

Deuteronomy 11:16 

Hello friends. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you are probably aware that there is a lot of deception and debauchery around us. And it is really heartbreaking to see how many have actually become victims of the lies and propaganda that is spewed about among the media and even the pulpits. Jesus is the only one who can save us. But there is something you can do to try and help loved ones and others to open their eyes and that is fast and pray. So I am inviting you to take part in this 3-day fast, which is being organized by TreeHouse Publishers and WATB Ministries.

Christians from all over the world will gather for three days to pray for our brothers and sisters who are deceived out there in this end-time scenario. I will be including the deceived Mormons in my prayers. We are told to "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins,"

Please join us.  You can sign up here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday's Word ~ Pride

Wednesday's word will be a regular installment on this blog when I feel led to share a word study. I arrived at today's word in a roundabout way. I was watching a video titled SUNSTONES, DEATH MASKS, & other Historical Coverups w/ guest expert, John Hajicek because they were going to be talking about Joseph Smith's death mask made by my 3rd great-grandfather George Cannon.

This photo showed me the chain of ownership that I never knew before. Just now I found out through a written history that my 3 times great-grandfather George Cannon also made the coffins for Joseph and Hyrum Smith. 

In Mormon circles, the Cannon name is like that of a Hollywood actor or something, especially in the Bear Lake County, Idaho area fifty years ago. I mean someone fudged our genealogy to look like George Q. Cannon was a direct ancestor and he's actually my 2nd great-grandmother's half brother.🤦

Anyway, I'm watching the video, and when they mentioned my ancestor's name I started to feel this little sensation like...umm..dare I say, PRIDE? Then I got this check in my spirit and the Holy Spirit brought some things to my mind that I wasn't even aware of and had to repent. As much as I dislike Joseph Smith and what he stood for, the Holy Spirit showed me that I was still throwing the Cannon name around to any Mormon I ran into like I was announcing that some of my family was part of the inner circle of Joseph Smith like that was something to be proud of! I asked myself and Holy Spirit - what in the world? Why would I do that? All I heard was "PRIDE"

The last time the relief society ladies were at my house I told them that I wasn't interested, but at the same time I told them that I was related to George Q. Cannon! 

I feel that the Cannon family was a pretty proud bunch. During the many years that I have been doing genealogy and family history research, I couldn't help but feel that all the children from Grandpa Cannon's first marriage and their posterity thought they were better than my great-grandma Elizabeth Cannon Piggott, the daughter of the second wife. 

The following image is an excerpt from a little pamphlet that they made for a family reunion in 1957:

So it just seems to me that they are a proud bunch!

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom - Proverbs 11:2

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.” - Mark 7:21-23

Pride is a sneaky thing. It sneaks in when you least expect it. Heck, I was only aware of some of the meanings it has.  I have found a website with a pretty good write-up listing 41 signs of pride and I will leave a link here.

Here are some of the definitions that he lists:
  • Pride is being SELF-ish
  • Thinking excessively about SELF
  • Pride’s base is too much SELF-love
  • Thinking the worth of our SELF is higher than it actually is
  • SELF-worship
  • Preoccupation with our image or SELF
  • Pride is narcissism (in love with our image or SELF)
  • Pride is SELF-centered or EGO-centric (everything revolves around us)
  • Pride wants to keep the focus on SELF
  • SELF-ness

Remember that pride comes before destruction. Shalom

Friday, May 31, 2024

Family Friday ~ Price Polygamy ~ Part Three


Wilhelmina Barbara Gray
Continuing on with the polygamous life of my 2nd great-grandfather we will talk about his fourth wife who also becomes his ex-wife. 

"He was married to Wilhelmina Gray February 6, 1887 at the Logan Temple. Mrs. Gray was a widow with two children, Lou and Janet, by a former marriage, who came to Paris as a practicing obstetrician. She was a convert from Scotland, and a graduate from an obstetrical school in her native land. She became widely known as a mid-wife in the Bear Lake settlements during the eighties and nineties; and undoubtedly many a child born during those years when doctors were few and poorly trained, owed their lives to the good practical nursing of Mrs. Gray. Two sons were born to Robert and Wilhelmina: Matthew, born December 20, 1888 David Robert born February 3, 1891. Robert built Wilhelmina a good house near the shingle mill, where she lived for many years, continuing to practice her profession under her original name—Mrs. Gray."  --page 144, Robert Price, by Ezra J. Poulsen

This marriage lasted about nine years before she decided she had enough of that lifestyle. 

"The marriage between Robert and Wilhelmina Gray ended in a divorce, which was granted by the local district court April 11, 1906. A property settlement was made, after which Wilhelmina moved to Idaho Falls, where she made her home. The oldest son Matthew, continued to live in Paris as a member of his father’s family, and became a promising young business man. He owned and operated the Novelty Theatre, assisted by his wife Vinnie. They brought the first talking pictures to Paris, and were looking forward to a successful and happy life when he met an untimely death in an automobile accident. The younger son, David, went to Idaho Falls with his mother, and made his permanent home there, where he married Pauline Vogel at the age of nineteen and became a successful barber." --page 165, Robert Price, by Ezra J.  Poulsen

 I found a couple of articles in the newspaper about the divorce. A divorce case involving a plural marriage is tricky...

The Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho - Thursday, April 19, 1906

Price Gray divorce

Article from Apr 19, 1906 The Idaho Statesman (Boise, Idaho)

As you can see, this is a lengthy article. You can click on the image and go read the article. I will transcribe a few paragraphs here and highlight the interesting bits. Well...I was going to highlight it but Blogger won't let me. It seems to be having an issue so I'll just underline the good parts..lol.

Sitting for Judge Budge at Paris Bear Lake county Judge Price was recently called upon to decide a divorce case entitled Welhelmina Price plaintiff vs Robert Price defendant The defendant was a polygamist and the Issue in the case was the status of the third wife married to the defendant after the death of the first wife The decision is of great interest as showing the complexities that may be interjected into the family relations of those practicing polygamy The status of persons under a marriage contract in cases in which only one wife is involved often has to be taken into the courts that entanglements may be straightened out and the complications in cases of polygamous families are multiplied as illustrated by the case under consideration the decision in which is as follows: 

Plaintiff sues the defendant for divorce on the ground of abandonment Defendant denies the marriage. The parties to the action are Mormons and the defendant a polygamist since 1864. The facts in the case as proved and stipulated are as follows: The defendant was married to Matilda Kelsey in 1855 and while so married in 1864 and in 1875 respectively he married in polygamy Susannah Juchau and Christina Shepherd. In 1887 after the death of Matilda in the same year Susannah and Christina both then and since living he married the plaintiff by a ceremonial marriage which is conceded to have been in due form in all respects and which constituted a marriage contract between them if such was intended and both parties at liberty under the law to contract a marriage. The plaintiff knew of the status of the defendant in his relations to Susannah and Christina at the time of the said ceremony and she and defendant went secretly and by different routes to a Mormon temple for the purpose of the ceremony after which they returned to their home in the same manner since which time down to the year 1901 they continued to live and cohabit together as husband and wife. Two sons were born to them one now I5 and the other 10 years old. During this period the defendant continued and now continues in the same relation with Susannah and Christina with the full knowledge of the plaintiff.

In the year 1901 the plaintiff announced to the defendant that she would no longer consent to his living with Susannah and Christina and that she would not live with him as his wife unless defendant would discontinue his polygamous relations with them. That if he would discontinue such relations she would continue to live with him as his wife but not otherwise. Defendant thereupon stated that he could not consider a severance with his two other women and after bidding the plaintiff and the children a formal good-bye and telling them that he should not return left the separate home which he had provided for them and has not appeared there since although he has ever since provided for their support as theretofore.

The plaintiff contends: 1 That the defendant having no lawful wife living at the time of the marriage ceremony between her and the defendant and there being no legal impediment to the marriage she thereby became his lawful wife. 

2 That defendant's refusal to live with her alone as her husband “abandoning all others and cleaving only unto her” constitutes abandonment and entitles her to divorce. 

To meet this contention the defendant presents evidence to the effect that after the said ceremony and during the period of about 14 years of their living together the plaintiff whose name was Wilhelmina Gray was generally known as and called Sister Gray and Mrs Gray in the community at Paris where they lived: and that she had an account with a store keeper under that name and it is also shown that she was regarded as the defendant's plural wife by their co-religionists. Evidence was also produced by the defendant of the execution by him of several legal instruments in which Susannah joined as his wife and that he had selected her and at various times when occasion and opportunity offered held her out to the world as his lawful wife after the death of Matilda and the marriage ceremony with the plaintiff. 

The defendant contends: 

1 That upon the death of Matilda by reason of the facts above stated Susannah became his lawful wife by a "common law marriage” and that she was such at the time of the ceremony with the plaintiff and that thus having a lawful wife at the time of the ceremony the plaintiff become only his plural or polygamous wife as recognized by the Mormon church. 

2 That this was what they intended by the ceremony. That the relation created by the secret ceremony in the temple to which they secretly and privately went although a legal marriage ceremony in form was not and is not such as the law of the land recognizes and approves as a lawful marriage. That by reason of his two plural wives upheld as a matter of religion by the church of which they are both members and a tenet of the faith to which they both subscribe it was not although a valid and binding marriage within the Mormon church a valid and binding marriage under the laws of the state. That the common belief in the sanctity of plural marriage entertained by the parties with the defendant actually living in plural marriage at the time precluded the plaintiff not only from expecting or anticipating that the defendant would cleave exclusively unto her although requiring her to cleave exclusively unto him but precluded her well from regarding the church marriage in any other light than he regarded it or if not that then their minds did not meet in full agreement as to what the relation should be in which event there would be no marriage contract. 

 And then here is a news clip of the verdict:

Montpelier ExaminerFri, Apr 20, 1906 Page 5

So Grandpa Robert wouldn't leave his two first polygamous wives to have a normal God-ordained marriage with one wife. I am proud of Wilhelmina for sticking to her guns!

If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at AwakeOSleeper@currently.com

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Testimony Tuesday with Charissa


Today we hear from Charissa who came from a pioneer Mormon family. Her story is a heart-wrenching one but it is also a triumphant one because she is an overcomer through Jesus Christ. 

Charissa is the author of a spiritual warfare handbook that has helped others in their spiritual battles. I will post a link at the bottom of her story where you can obtain this warfare battle plan for yourself.

Now here is Charissa's testimony:
I was raised Mormon in a family of 9 in an Illuminati bloodline Freemason family, unknowingly, that participates in incest, orgies, rituals, and witchcraft/Egyptian Magic. I did not know who my family really was as their diviners deemed me “expendable” as an infant. To them that means that I was not fit to attend their rituals or serve their dark master, and I take that as a huge compliment, as I AM NOT! I was born anointed with the Light of Christ for this very purpose, and it was visible to them to the point that I was blessed to be left out of their rituals. At least for the worst of it. I was still sexualized, abused, and programmed, just not to the degree of my siblings who held the family secrets and participated in rituals. My abuse looked very different and was much more manipulative and covert, which I have been grateful for, but also made it very hard to identify or see myself as abused or to know what the problem was behind it all. Or to know how to go about healing my pain or knowing the true source of it. This is what one of my purposes is in helping others, to diagram the patterns and markers of ritual, bloodline,
Illuminati, Freemasonry networks that are all around ALL OF US, living secret cover lives, and in greater numbers than most of us could ever believe. As well as to provide context to make it recognizable, especially for those of us labeled expendable in these families, which is MANY. God has told me that there are many other expendables in many families of all religious, cultural, and brotherhood system backgrounds and marriages much like myself, who are going to benefit from hearing my story to recognize the same patterns and markers in their own lives.

I was a very bright, intuitive, “woke'' individual my whole life who was hard to get anything past and was dubbed the 411 in college as I was seen as the “Private Investigator” of life in general and was nicknamed Magnum PI in my youth. Yet I still had no idea what secrets my family was hiding. This handbook will definitely make the unknown become known as by order of Yahweh, what is in the dark must come to light!

In the Mormon sect of the Illuminati, incest and “childhood sexual play,” which looks just like a child’s curiosity, is staged by assignment to sexualize children of these bloodline families. My mother taught me about taboo topics my whole life, schooling me on the Illuminati’s involvement and corruption in the government, entertainment, and media, pointing out to me often their Satanic agendas and plots in the present and future through their symbolism and deeds. She opened my eyes to the world at large around me, I believe as a subconscious plea for help, as my sister did also. They are both very DID (dissociative identity disorder which used to be called multiple personality disorder) and the Lord has shown me that some of my family will come out saved, and some of them will have their faces blotted out and destroyed. Only God knows the hearts of men and the purpose for which He created them. I was also in an arranged marriage unknowingly to one of my closest brother’s best friends. I had no idea until the last couple of years that he was also deeply involved in Freemasonry and black magic, known as the left-hand path.

 I was steps away from starting a podcast while I was on a shamanic path after leaving Mormonism called “The Philosopher's Stone” to expose many of the secrets I had learned, studied, and gathered from personal stories of eyewitnesses and survivors that the Good Lord put in my path to give me a very strategic and purposeful education on how the system of the Beast functions. Nearly every single human relationship I have encountered  my entire life has been a player or victim on some level to the Illuminatior Freemasonry.

 I ended up writing “papers of sovereignty” one day finding myself frustrated with the constant energy and spiritual understanding that somehow, I felt incredibly enslaved in my life, and incapable to move, create, or express to the level and degree I felt a desire to. I had NO IDEA what that black sharpie was about to do for me, until I woke up the next day.

My mind opened up and Holy Spirit entered into my life on a WHOLE NEW LEVEL to peel back the lamb’s wool over my eyes to see what was taking place all around me in the church, my family, the government, and all layers of the Beast system. The bulk of it all happened in only seven days.

A few years ago, I found myself incredibly angry because of all the abominable atrocities I discovered were happening to children all over the Earth. I was crying out to God one day, marching around my kitchen in circles like a soldier with a mama bear's rage DEMANDING out loud that “IT MUST STOP! IT HAS TO STOP!” I cried out to God.

That was when Holy Spirit came into my ear and told me, “Daughter, there is nothing you can do in the physical to fight this battle, it is MUCH TOO LARGE a task, and TOO GREAT for any human to take on in the flesh, this is MY battle, as this evil has entered every single system of control on the entire Earth, and it is very dangerous. These evil men are my children too, and I do not want blood on the hands of my servants. The wicked will destroy the wicked, and there is enough hatred amongst these cults within that will cause the serpent seed to swallow their own tail. I want you to just keep making really great poetry and music.” So I did. But I still wanted a voice and to shout the secrets from the rooftops to make it all end, as I understood that their exposure would be one of the ways to stop the shameful secret things that were happening all around for generations and generations. And I still had no idea my own family was in on it.

It was less than a year later, after I declared the end of pain and suffering for children, when I wrote papers of sovereignty that woke my mind up to the discovery that I was coerced into renting a house where I was being handled. It was owned by Freemasons my brothers were in collusion with, that my sister moved in with me on purpose (by order of my family) to spy on me who was doing witchcraft on me and my children. It was a mind control ritual location. My brother was reporting back to the brotherhood, as a member of the Mormon Militia CIA all that I had learned and shared with him the past 2 years that I had discovered by research and affiliation of the inner workings and functionality of Freemasonry, especially in the Mormon church. I realized I was likely being poisoned by the toxic water in this house, my father had told my daughter he was a cyborg with some transhumanism updates he had to his physical body, (I saw them with my own eyes which was very disturbing) had some major sins he was hiding, and the fact that my brothers had all sexually abused me when I was younger meant THEY WERE ALSO BEING ABUSED VERY YOUNG TOO! My father was the only option as I knew FM functioned on ritual sodomy. For days, weeks, months, then years, my mind has not stopped having the layers of the onions peeled back by Holy Spirit, and the lamb’s wool pulled off from my eyes to show me the truth of who my family and children's father REALLY ARE. I learned the intentions and plots behind the abuses, distance, irritation, lack of love, frustration, and hazing I experienced by all around me my entire life who hated me because I was not like them. And who were rightly jealous that I was not expected to participate in the family cult atrocities they all participated in. No wonder I always felt like such an outsider. I learned it all was possible due to the magic spells they spun over my head. The power for this is gained through sodomy, incest, and child abuse, given to them through the hands of our common enemy.

I fought through the PTSD and remembered my God. I promised my FULL heart to Christ this time, and I saw Him take it in His hands. I relocated to where my children were with their father and worked my butt off to find work after being a stay-at-home mom for 15 years, attain housing after finding myself homeless for a month (a Freemason witch who was an old “friend” from New York allowed me to sleep on her couch) and finally be able to show my face in court to try to get to see my kids again. I established supervised visitation for about 6 months before I convinced my ex to drop the supervisors and get every other weekend and Wednesdays with my children.

The Lord showed me after 10 months of working at the barber shop where I finally attained work (through a later discovered Illuminati in-network family “friend”) that it was run by Freemasons and witches who had sent in a new employee to recruit me to come to her church where they did witchcraft over me while pretending to be doing deliverance. I was told by God to quit before they further set me up to be fired as they attempted several times. I was shown that there were 3 witches managing the shop doing spells over me. They were not adding me to the computer on my scheduled days so return customers could schedule with me, even though I was constantly cutting hair, and told by every single client their cut was perfect and they asked for my card. I was so frustrated that at EVERY SINGLE TURN I made, I was faced with evil imposters, but I knew my Father on His throne had a plan. I took that time off work spending every single day, sitting on my bed in warfare, writing prayers in my journal for months in hopes to gain back custody and break this cycle of access they had to mess with and control my life. I had visions and dreams every night and morning and was led to perfect scriptures, all giving me strategic and exact instructions on how to warfare, what to pray against, who NOT to pray for, what to ask for and claim, how to be more demanding with God, (Jacob would not let him go until he blessed him) and even WHO to pray curses of destruction over.

As soon as I felt that season of warfare come to an end, my Gracious Abba Father started leading me to get on government assistance so I could pay my rent, (not something I ever wanted to do for my disgust with the knowledge of who was behind the Satanic government) feed my kids and pay my debts. He guided me on how to approach my ex to take my custody case into mediation and out of the family courts, where the judge absolutely despised me, knowing I was one who reveals their Freemason secrets. I was shown in vision the judge was contacted by my biological father, making oaths for him to keep my children from me, as is the requirements these Freemasons keep for one another.

He guided me into specifics of how to heal my body. He gave me requirements of health, diet, and how to purify my body so as to not fall prey to the Beast system. He showed me every imposter all around me, and who to cut out further and stay away from, block on social media, and who to do deliverance for. He inspired me how to speak to my children about the dangers of our own family members all around us without allowing it to cause them to have negative feelings toward me. He taught me how to honor the sabbath, and worship outside of the organizations of a church or religion. He connected me with a few very safe warriors. And He even sent angels in the flesh to guard me and watch out for me, bring me blessings of promise, and to witness that the army of Heaven was in GREAT POWER AND FORCE all around me, and that despite my circumstances I had no need to fear. He directed me how to begin and complete my mission with clear directions and words of promise of how to rescue my children from the enemy, and provide strength, answers, and resolution to others all around me who were looking for freedom from the oppression of the Beast systems that control us. We have all been taken as captive slaves since our birth.

I will end there with the details of my story. It's not so much about MY STORY as it is about HIS GLORY.

You can hear more about Charissa's story in the following interviews:

You can reach Charissa on the following platforms:
For a copy of her warfare handbook, “Breaking Free of the Luciferian/Satanic Beast Systems of Earth – That We May Warfare from Heavenly Places- *Warrior Training*” email a request to attorneyatyah@gmail.com

If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at AwakeOSleeper@currently.com

Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Mormon News ~ Russia Has A Mormon Sect


Russia Has A Mormon Sect 

 It is Much Like That of America and Is Called Berezovski -Is Rapidly Making Converts. 

A new sect of Russian Mormons, called Berezovski. has arisen and is making tremendous headway along the banks of the Volga. Its faith is very like that of the American Mormons.

The followers believe that Christ was a man. but that as he led a holy life the divinity dwelt in him. and that the souls of good men are transformed at death into angels. They do not believe in the Bible. Their apostle is writing a revelation, in which be says he was inspired by Heaven.

The Berezorski says it is their duty to replenish the earth as fast as possible with true disciples, and that is best accomplished by, polygamy.

The Russian priests say the sect originated in the teaching a young Russian named Malkaroff. who had been in Salt Lake City, and that there is a sort of loose relation growing up between the American Mormon church and that on the Volga.

The Miami News Miami, Florida • Fri, Jan 1, 1904 Page 7

This little bit of an article really surprised me. I searched all over to try and find this Russian guy named Malkaroff who supposedly spent some time in Utah and taught this sect but had no luck. I couldn't even find anything about Berezovski the name of this so called sect. But I did find an interesting study about a religion whose members are referred to as Mormons. They were located along the banks of the Volga which is the same place this article mentions. This group was called "Samara Mormons". I will link the paper at the bottom. 

I find it strange that this particular sect is not mentioned at all in the church's dealings with Russia. Joseph Smith sent Orson Hyde and George J. Adams on a mission there in 1843 and he had this to say:

 "to Russia are attached some of the most important things concerning the advancement and building up of the kingdom of God in the last days.”

I wonder what he meant by that?  Now Elder Francis M. Lyman was in St. Petersburg, Russia in August of 1903. Do you suppose he knew something about "Malkaroff" or "Berezovski"? I mean, someone had to be the source of this story, after all I found it in more than one newspaper. Maybe there's more info buried in their vault? 🤷‍♀️


If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at AwakeOSleeper@currently.com

Friday, May 17, 2024

Today's Guest Writer ~ Brandon Kroll ~

Today I have the privilege of introducing Brandon Kroll; a writer, researcher, and a tremendous asset to the body of Christ.

In most of his presentations, I almost always come away with a clearer understanding of some of the scriptures I have wrestled with. And I am not ashamed to admit that he has even had me in tears with the help of the Holy Spirit.

You can also benefit from his teachings and presentations on YouTube and Rumble at MannaDailyPodcast .

Brandon has kindly allowed me to share one of his sermons with you today so without further adieu...

"We have a common enemy. Time." - Joran Mernimier: Tabernacle Shores
The above caption is taken from a fictional character in my steampunk vs medieval trilogy. While this phrase was used in its contextual sense, the earnest need to formulate a mutually beneficial alliance between frenemies against any even greater rival, bears merit for consideration spiritually.
We often think in this life we can live haphazardly and without the need for accountability. Our spirits in nature are feral and Mustang as a direct repercussional result of the sin committed in the Garden of Eden. Because the mother and father of humanity partook of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil, our free-willed desires have become corrupt and deluded. We now wrestle not solely between flesh and blood but against our own innate spirits of desire and self-perceived conceptions of ourselves. This is the constant struggle of man in general, but for Christians, it's doubled because once we acknowledge our Master, we must constantly "die to ourselves daily." (Luke 9:23, 2. Cor. 5:17, Gal. 2:20, Gal. 5:24).
This is, in essence, exactly what it is when you're breaking in a feral horse. Its nature is wild and free, untamed by the whims of man, but once equipped with a bridle and reins, it now submits to the will of its new owner. It's learned to be subservient to the rider who controls the reins. This requires trust, companionship, and a breaking down of a rebellious free-spirited will. This is life when you're saddled with humility and come before God the Father, your Creator.
Most folks won't understand this analogy. The open grass plains of the world seem to the eyes to be lusciously green and appealing. This "stranger" owning you or rather having control over your life seems unnatural and against your right towards individuality. Yet ironically enough, statistics bear out that domesticated horses tend to have a doubled life span than that of a feral stallion by literally 15-25 years longer! That's what life is for Christians indwelled (saddled) with the Holy Spirit will be like, but instead of doubled, we inherit an existence for all eternity in heaven for our sacrifices.

Brandon Kroll

If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at AwakeOSleeper@currently.com

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Monday Mormon News ~ Mormons May Emigrate

Today's news comes from Billings, Montana. I had no idea that the Mormons had to buy land from Buffalo Bill Cody before they could move to Montana.

Mormons can emigrate

Article from Feb 1, 1900 The Billings Times (Billings, Montana)



Buffalo Bill Negotiating With Them for a Transfer of Land 

A Cheyenne Wyo, dispatch of Jan 24 to the Chicago Inter Ocean says that Colonel W Cody (“Buffalo Bill") who is at the head of a great irrigation enterprise in the Big Horn basin in Wyoming and of a company constructing a canal which will water 200,000 acres of land is negotiating the sale of this land and the irrigation system with a number of leaders of the Mormon church tor the settlement of a colony of that faith When the deal is closed which will be when the Mormons agree to pay Cody the sum of $400,000 a colony of 800 to 1000 Mormon families will be brought in from Utah.  

One successful settlement of Mormons has already been made in the Big Horn basin and the whole section is an ideal agricultural and stock-raising country attractive to settlers acquainted with irrigation and systematic farming.


If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at AwakeOSleeper@currently.com