Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Mormon News ~ Russia Has A Mormon Sect


Russia Has A Mormon Sect 

 It is Much Like That of America and Is Called Berezovski -Is Rapidly Making Converts. 

A new sect of Russian Mormons, called Berezovski. has arisen and is making tremendous headway along the banks of the Volga. Its faith is very like that of the American Mormons.

The followers believe that Christ was a man. but that as he led a holy life the divinity dwelt in him. and that the souls of good men are transformed at death into angels. They do not believe in the Bible. Their apostle is writing a revelation, in which be says he was inspired by Heaven.

The Berezorski says it is their duty to replenish the earth as fast as possible with true disciples, and that is best accomplished by, polygamy.

The Russian priests say the sect originated in the teaching a young Russian named Malkaroff. who had been in Salt Lake City, and that there is a sort of loose relation growing up between the American Mormon church and that on the Volga.

The Miami News Miami, Florida • Fri, Jan 1, 1904 Page 7

This little bit of an article really surprised me. I searched all over to try and find this Russian guy named Malkaroff who supposedly spent some time in Utah and taught this sect but had no luck. I couldn't even find anything about Berezovski the name of this so called sect. But I did find an interesting study about a religion whose members are referred to as Mormons. They were located along the banks of the Volga which is the same place this article mentions. This group was called "Samara Mormons". I will link the paper at the bottom. 

I find it strange that this particular sect is not mentioned at all in the church's dealings with Russia. Joseph Smith sent Orson Hyde and George J. Adams on a mission there in 1843 and he had this to say:

 "to Russia are attached some of the most important things concerning the advancement and building up of the kingdom of God in the last days.”

I wonder what he meant by that?  Now Elder Francis M. Lyman was in St. Petersburg, Russia in August of 1903. Do you suppose he knew something about "Malkaroff" or "Berezovski"? I mean, someone had to be the source of this story, after all I found it in more than one newspaper. Maybe there's more info buried in their vault? 🤷‍♀️


If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at

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