Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Testimony Tuesday with Heidi Luv

Testimony Tuesday is an ongoing installment I will have once a month for now and could eventually morph into bi-weekly or weekly. This is where I will share testimonies from x-Mormons for the edifying of others and for God's glory.

 Today I want to introduce Heidi Luv. I saw her one-day last year on a Youtube podcast. When I discovered that she was an x-Mormon and one that even lived where I grew up it touched my soul. I heard her story and she answered so many questions I have always had about my grandparents' temple marriages and what was involved in the endowments they performed. Holy Spirit used Heidi to let me know that I was still yoked with the Mormon church and I needed to remedy that, plus I never realized before this that I actually was indoctrinated as a child.

She has also been a comfort to me. I never realized before that I was hurting inside because no one in my life truly understands the Mormon life (except for the ones who are still Mormons and don't realize that it's all a fraud).

So without further ado, here is Heidi's testimony in her own words:

 "The testimony I gained from leaving the LDS church is the single most important event in my life to date. 

The opening of my eyes to the corruption of what I thought was Christ centered was astounding. Finding myself doing FreeMason rituals inside a beautiful cold creepy building was not how I imagined following the prophet would go! I was so young and naive I never really cared to find God on my own. 

I had been told who God was at church as a child. All of my family were LDS. I come from “Good Mormon Stock”. Leaving was never in my vision. However after much study and gained knowledge I realized this was a false FreeMason  organization with little to do with God, or Jesus Christ. Let alone my salvation. 

I did not have the capacity for further growth spiritually for some years after I became inactive. I lost most of my extended family from shunning. I also suffered great losses of death and even estrangement unrelated to religion. 

My daughter who I had been very close with estranged in 2020. I was brought to my knees. Feeling the most despair I had ever felt in my life. I cried into God to help me. It was through diligent scripture and journal study I started to learn who My Savior really was! 

To learn grace after so many years of “earning my way”. I found out my deeds were dirty rags and I bawled. I had zero idea of what the Bible really was. 

The living word changing even the same verse in meaning as it applied to each day differently. 

I have since accidentally found myself Podcasting and yelling from the mountain tops that the LDS church is a false occult church. I am so grateful God took time to save a wretch like me. I am so glad I have changed my heart and accepted Jesus fully into my life. Though I stumble and I always will I know God is truly walking beside me every step of the way.

I am blessed and grateful to have my Husband and Mother who never quit planting seeds and showing me truths! 

I am blessed that all of my children are out of this bastardized “Church”. I am so grateful to my Savior for every piece of grace along the way. God Bless anyone reading this and I pray you get to know who your Savior is. 🙏🙏🙏"

You can connect with Heidi on the following platforms:


If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at AwakeOSleeper@currently.com

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