Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Testimony Tuesday with Janet Fox

For this month's testimony, I am straying a little bit from Mormonism. There is deception in many churches and a testimony from a brother or sister in Christ who has been pulled out of that deception by Jesus is important to share. So from time to time, I may post testimonies from other experiences that aren't Mormon-based.  Today I want to introduce you to Miss Janet Fox. 

I am Janet Fox. I am a retired nurse and medical school teacher. After retiring, I dove head first into holistic health and service to others. I started podcasting as a means to reach others, hear their stories and help them heal from traumas, injuries/conditions, and to speak about God’s word and love.  

I was raised in the Catholic Church and Catholic school by nuns and priests. I was taught to be a good and faithful servant and to always obey my elders. To my dismay, during these formidable years, I was never taught the actual scripture. I was never told to memorize a verse or to read the word of God. I was taught to praise and worship the Saints and the Virgin Mary. Indoctrinated  by rituals, and raised up to believe that I was never good enough or worthy enough for God’s love. That no matter what I did, I would never make it to the kingdom of Heaven because I would always be a sinner. That is what I was molded to believe. 

The priest patronizing his flock from the pulpit. Ranting about how we would all wind up in hell for our sins. Teaching on the evils of alcohol, while serving wine from a “sacred” chalice, as he was secretly partaking of alcohol In his spare time and crashing the parish car. 

As I got older, I walked away from “church” as I had known it. I had no relationship with God, and did not know after all of those years what a relationship with Him even was. I did not know his words, nor could I understand what His way meant for my life. Sewing my wild oats, I wandered through life like the prodigal son. Searching relentlessly for something to fill the void in my heart. The complete emptiness was overwhelming.

One day, I broke down in tears and just begged Him to be with me. I prayed for him to know me, and to not forsake me. I asked him for a way out of the loneliness and darkness that was overshadowing my life. I prayed for forgiveness for all of the things that I had done in my life, the disappointing things, the things that I had never even given the second thought about before. Begging for him to send me my other half. My soulmate.

That day, my life changed forever. I was shown his grace and mercy. I was blessed because He loved me. He brought never ending joy into my heart. God heard my prayers and answered them. He brought into my life everything that I was lacking. A sense of peace, a calmness to the storms. I was blessed to be given the love of a partner as well, who would be the spiritual leader of our family. This blessed union led us down a beautiful path of strengthened and renewed faith together. It has brought abundant blessings of a walk in Christ’s love as one. 

This joy for the Lord created a beautiful and fulfilling path. One where God guides us, and calls us to serve and love others, as He loves us. Our lives have been enriched and blessed beyond measure. God has brought so many amazing souls into our lives. He uses me as His vessel, and guides me every day to do His will. He calls me to pray for others, to teach and to guide others come to Him, and to give Him praise and thanks for all He has given us.


You can connect with Janet in the following ways:

  • @deplorablejanet on Instagram
  • @KnowJanet on X (formerly Twitter)
  • Email jfoxteach1@gmail.com
  • Deplorable Nation Podcast is available on Rumble or all podcast platforms.

If you have a testimony of how Jesus saved you please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at AwakeOSleeper@currently.com

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