Monday, May 6, 2024

Monday Mormon News ~ Polygamy


On Mondays, I will share news articles having anything to do with Mormonism. The articles could be from the archives of magazines and newspapers, or even from yesterday's news. The main objective of sharing these news stories is to show the character of the cult of Mormonism.

Will start off with a couple of articles about arrests for polygamy.

The Independent Santa Barbara, California, Jan 21, 1885 


 Arrests In the Stronghold of Zion

 Francisco, Jan. 20. The Chronicle's Salt Lake special says: Angus Cannon, President of this stake (?) of Zion and a brother of the Apostle George Q. Cannon, was arrested today for polygamy.

He was taken before United States Commissioner McKay and held in $25,000. His examination will begin tomorrow. A warrant for polygamy was today issued against A. W. Penrose, editor of the Desert News, the church organ.

The officials went to the News office and were not mistaken for burglars as that sheet had so often advised, but though satisfied that he was on the premises they were not able to find him.

The above-mentioned George Q. Cannon was my second great-grand-uncle

The Record, West Chester, Pennsylvania - 
November 1, 1842, page 3

Another of the Mormons Mr. T. Onley has publicly withdrawn from their society. He says "he cannot consent to remain a member of said church, while polygamy, Lasciviousness and adultery are practised by some of its leaders"  Mr. Onley confirms the statements of Bennett, as to Joe Smith’s practices.

If you are an x-Mormon and have a testimony of how Jesus saved you from the grips of Mormonism please consider sharing your story to glorify God. Drop me a line at

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